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Hi there! For this first task, I have had to look for information about the Schools of Reggio Emilia. These schools follow the Reggio Emilia educational philosophy and pedagogy, which considers that children develop their personalities during their early life and that they endow several symbolic languages through which they can express their ideas (such as painting or sculpting). Besides, teachers appear as co-learners instead of instructors, and they must facilitate the children's learning by planning their lessons according to their students' interests.


The tool I have had to use for this first task is flipgrid. It is a very easy and useful app that allows students to learn more funnily. It is very easy to create an account and upload the video to your class group. Besides, you can edit it, add filters, etc... so you can make your video look nicer. In this case, I have uploaded a video about the Reggio Emilia educational approach.

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